Saturday, July 16, 2011

A look back and hope for the future

I'm racing Craig right now to see who can post on the blog faster. Ithinki'llstartwritinglikethistosavetime. Ok that is annoying.


Real title of post, see capital letters above. Part of the reason we are here is to evaluate Blackhawk's partnership with Beacon and make sure we are 1) actually being helpful 2) supporting Beacon with excellence. I think you need a 3) to complete a list. Bummer.

We can celebrate a lot about our partnership with Beacon, the meeting minutes were 4 pages long. Most of it was looking back and praising God with humble hearts at how much he has used both Beacon of Hope and Blackhawk Church to bring love, redemption, and hope into the slums of Ongata Rongai and the living rooms of Madison, WI.

In 2004, some good peeps spurred on the church in responding to the global HIV crisis and began to support Beacon of Hope in Nairobi. This is the seventh fruitful year of our partnership and we have a lot to be thankful for. Too much to list here and I'll probably lose most of our readers. What is worth saying is this:

Beacon of Hope once operated out of an area small enough to be called cupboard with a staff of 19. Now Beacon of Hope has an 8 acre compound and a staff of 67 today. It will probably by 70 by tomorrow, the rate of growth is phenomenal. In the end, it's not about numbers. What we celebrate today is the relationship we've had with Beacon for the last 7 years, the dreams for the future that we prayerfully place before God, and the lives of Juliana, Joyce, Grace, Merab, Agitha, Phylis, Lydia, Benter, Lynette, Hope, Mercy, Ann, Rose, Ana...


  1. Forgot to sign off on the post...please add this:


  2. Maggie, you're so fun! Thanks for sharing about the conversations you guys are having to evaluate the partnership. I love the list of people with whom you guys have relationships. Praying for you guys!

  3. Ha. I knew it was you even without your sign off. That's what the professionals call pretty awesome voice. Paula
